
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Corportocracy in America

Many of the founding fathers of America recognized early that commercial interests would attempt to control the government of We The People.  This is why when they framed and wrote out the US Constitution, they were specific in defining that the rights put forth were for "people', not made-up entities.  We The People are the citizens of our nation, not the companies and corporations.

In the past 40 years, corporate interests have slowly gained control of the elections and regulatory functions of Our governments, both state and federal.  These entities have invested billions in lobbying elected officials to pass laws and such that are for the benefit of the bottom lines of these corporations.  These corporate entities have also spent billions in election advertising to influence the opinion of the electorate, ensuring that the candidates that best represent their interests are elected.  More recently, the Supreme Court of the United States has affirmed these actions, by ruling that the corporations and "SuperPACs" are sovereign entities entitled to participate in electioneering by granting them almost limitless permission to spend unlimited amounts of money.

This current state of affairs in America is despicable and sad.  For, We The People have been relegated to being second class citizens in the electorate process.  The right and duty to participate in open government has been diminished to something akin to a joke.  Even some elected officials have jumped on the corporate bandwagons by stating that elections cannot be participated in by "regular" voters.  Both of the major political parties in our nation have embraced this environment of corruption by courting the various corporations and PACs that are the root of the American electoral process.  They have essentially nullified the "one Person-One Vote" ideal put forth by the US Constitution.

The spending by lobbyists and influence peddlers in Washington DC and state capitols has become a multi-billion dollar a year industry.  Elected representatives and executives all across America have thumbed their noses to the American voters and citizens in perpetuating this plague of corruption.  This is something that is fundamentally wrong with the American political process and must be fixed, or our great democracy will soon become but a mere page in the history books of tomorrow.