
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Change...What Change?

Elected on a platform of changing the way the government does business, Mr. Obama has sorely failed in this. We are still involved in Iraq and Afghanistan; We still maintain the Guantanamo detention center; We still have Federal transgression against state sovereignty; We still court our laws and tax dollars to the benefit of a small sector of people; We still have an expanding deficit; We still have no clean energy plan; We still have lagging Education; We still fall prey to the healthcare system; We still need a President.

We also obviously need a new Congress, as this one has bickered back and forth on every little detail to satisfy the demands of their lobbyist paymasters. The electorate has been left behind and this gap in representation is increasing daily. Elected by the people means nothing to most legislators, Governors and Presidents. So you know there is much less regard for the rest of the phrase. But, once elected, these people forget the voters and even act to persecute them. Our quagmire of government has become the tool of industrial and commercial interests and given free reign over the serfdom called the United States of America.

Just the name itself is explanatory... States of America, not American States. The US Constitution is the set of guidelines for the federation of States to interact with each other and other foreign entities. The Framers never, ever intended for the federation to become the all controlling and consuming beast that we all fear.

Clearly this is more lost upon the Congress and Supreme Court. The actions of allowing corporate entities the same rights in our Country as a person most assuredly demonstrates that the collusion between Congress and the Supreme Court has become so engrained that some Justices even flaunt their influence and Caucus with Congress members. Basing decisions on personal financial statements is wrong, period. Congress should all, everyone be investigated by all the out of work attorneys and reporters for corruption.

Every voter should contact their Legislators and demand that they begin acting in ALL manners for the benefit of Americans and in the intent of the founding of our great nation. Every citizen should call their respective elected and appointed officials and demand accountability in every single dime that is raised by the government. We all must take a stand for America and We must take this stand Now.
But alas... Where do we begin?