
Friday, September 6, 2013

A Warning To Congress...

To the Congress of the
United States of America
From We The People 

I have never nor will I ever advocate for violent confrontation with the US Government over it's corrupted policies and actions.  However...this video makes a few excellent points that I feel Our elected representatives in Washington DC and ALL of the State Capitols should heed.  We The People oppose this action being considered by President Obama that is based on 1/2Lies and Greed for the resource extraction industry.  

It's high time that Our government begin representing the will of #WeThePeople and focusing the efforts of Our Resources on the betterment of America and not on the bank accounts and lavish lives of a privileged few.  If you are reading this after watching the video and you still support the Obama Administration in it's desire to strike out against the rest of the World... then I pray for you and yours because you are ignorant and foolish!  IF that offended you...GOOD!  That means it's #TRUTH!

Video Courtesy of StormCloudsGathering