
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter Folks...

**I began writing this last December...
Next year Alaskans will be choosing several candidates to represent them in Juneau and Washington DC.  The 2014 cycle will prove to be a critical election for our state.  The outcome is totally up to We The People...
We have already seen the influences of outside interests rear their ugly heads in the already crowded US Senate race.  Incumbent Mark Begich (D) has already begun complaining about outside spending for advertising, despite the fact that something 66% of his campaign funding comes from "outside".  The GOP opposition field is quite well stacked too.  This race will be pivotal in deciding if the process is truly representative of We The People or yet another pacifying action by the corporate interests.
As the US Senate race is currently in the spotlight... the race for Alaska's sole seat in the US House of Representatives is also another important contest.  The incumbent, Don Young has been serving in DC for 40 years and vows to serve until he feels like someone worthy comes along.  Obviously this goes right along with the voters of Alaska's intentions, because they keep in electing him.  Despite federal investigations of campaign finance fraud and kickbacks... "The Don" of Alaska politics pretty much is assured re-election in 2014. 
But... We The People also have the opportunity to take back our State government from the big corporate interests that have been in control for the last 50 years.  Currently the sitting Governor is facing a top-down appointed candidate from the Democratic Party and no one else.  This position is the one that true conservative Alaskans should be concerned with. 
Sean Parnell has consistently proven to be representing the best interests of outside and foreign corporations over those of Alaska time and time again.  Sure he has used the battle cry of federal over reach and state sovereignty time and time again, but reality shows something  altogether different happening in Juneau.

April 2014 update:
As expected the elections in Alaska are running both the left and right tracks straight down the rails of the corporcorruphypocripolitical train straight back around again and again as big media and outside interests have hijacked the process from We The People.  But let's not be vague and put out what's really happening.
The culture in Alaska itself has become so dependant upon the resource extraction industry and the federal government that We might as well say most people in Alaska are on some form of welfare.  Whether from the government or the big foreign/outside corporations, they dole out just enough to make it work for their benefit, not Ours.  Unfortunately this has become business as usual in Alaska and the Voters seem content as kong as they can hit up a Wal-Mart on the way home from whatever adventure or task they may have been on.  But how many even think about the future of Alaska of what they see now? 
So enough ranting for now...
Recently Senator Begich came out publicly in support of the EPA's decision to initiate the 404c Clean Water Act process to deny permits to a foreign interest wishing to develop the prospect known as Pebble.  Folks, let's be honest with ourselves and admit that he did this purely to gain political points with Alaska Natives and Environmentalists.  This same thing was done by Murkowski in 2010 as she used her position to get the AKGOP to abandon it's own and to garner support within the Alaska Natives.  The biggest supporters of the Alaskans Standing Together PAC were Bob Gilliam and BBNC...the No Pebble lobby.  That didn't work out so well for them as Senator Murkowski continued business as usual upon her return to her home in DC.  This is exactly what Begich is playing at now...he knew he was vulnerable and has secured that sector and probably the election. 
Now... back to what We The People can do; first is to unregister as a R or D.  Staying in those corporate parties is idiotic thinking and really quite traitorous.  Secondly...We The People must begin physically involving ourselves in how our communities and state are run.  American Apathy must be abandoned and Citizen control restored or else all is for naught.