
Monday, November 24, 2014

On Ferguson...

On Ferguson...

Folks, I surely hope that the Grand Jury had the wisdom of Solomon as they made their final vote.  The law enforcement officers and fellow Americans that are standing in the streets around America are in for some difficult times ahead.  There chosen profession has now put them at the focal point of a whole helluva' lot of public resentment towards the government.  The movements that have co-opted this tragic event to further destructive and non-productive agendas should be ashamed... but they're not.

I feel for the young man's family on a human level.  No parent should ever have to hear the news of their child's death.  It's in humane... but that doesn't justify the calls for violence and vigilantism that are being echoed across the public response to this issue.  Fighting Fire with Fire is a tactic best left to professionals.

Right now, there is a plethora of LEO's congregating on and around Ferguson, with all sorts of toys and tactics.  But, the hard thing to figure out is this, What is their goal?  Are they there to protect of provoke?  I sincerely hope it is the former, because if their actions are for the latter, America is going to lose in the end.
