
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

What is a Revolution?

There has to be a changing of the mindsets of We The People before 'revolution' can be achieved. Now in seeing that term, does it invoke images of George Washington crossing the icy Delaware or Colonists sniping at Brits through the trees? If it does, then the idea of revolution has been soiled.

In the following video from Alternative Media TV, the commentator does an excellent job of explaining this by using the words of John Adams. This most committed and prolific of the Founding Fathers explained that 'revolution' was the realization by those Colonists that they did not have to abide by the tyrannical rulings of an out of touch government. It was an awakening to the simple fact that human lives and liberty trump the greed of a godless state and it's business masters.
In the simplistic definition of the term, it means to turn around or change a social structure. This doesn't necessarily mean 'rebellion' and violence, although in the realm of societal politics, it often becomes that. This occurs when the establishment that is being challenged deems it appropriate to either ignore the will of People or to use direct action to squelch that will.

In America, revolution became the resolve of the early Colonists that felt that their will and voices were being ignored by the King and his compatriots that ran the colonies. Those brave folks decided that they couldn't live under the edicts of a ruler and they stood up and spoke out. But that wasn't enough, as resistance to the crown was met with often dire consequences. Eventually, people committed themselves to re-establishing a state of liberty in the colonies.

All across America, people gather annually to 'celebrate' the actions of the colonists, but the memory of those great men and women is all that remains. America has become a shell of itself and is failing in it's Constitution. Now that the oppression is paid for and enforced by We The People, standing up and speaking out is looked upon as traitorous, when in fact is is the most Patriotic thing that can be done.

Are You as an American fearful of what the Corporacratic beast will do to You for being a Patriot? If you answered 'Yes', then you are correct. It has already happened that the US Government's mass quagmire of security agencies has been used to alienate, imprison and even kill Americans that stood up and spoke out. How many people should suffer for their voices before We The People demand a change?