
Monday, January 4, 2016

When to Stand Up‽

When to Stand Up‽

So... I woke up this morning to the news that a group of concerned citizens had taken control of a federal government facility in Oregon.  Personally, I can't say that I agree with these actions, as I am not well versed on the situation that precipitated this action.  I do know that there is a growing segment of the American population that has grown tired of the ever expanding and intrusive actions of the Federal government.   

However, I can say that I was severely disappointed to see quite a few folks on my social media timeline/newsfeed using this incident to spew forth hate and ignorance.  Some folks posted that the feds need to 'take out these crazys' and even labeled them as racist bigots.  Even celebrity mouthpieces like Montel Williams are chiming in to suggest that the feds kills these "domestic terrorists".  Mr. Williams would do well to remember the Oath that he once swore to and to reacquaint himself with the US Constitution and the reasons America was founded. 

First of all... We The People have the Constitutional right to protest grievances to Our government.  The method of said protest is not defined nor limited by the US Constitution.  The US Constitution also clearly states that unless explicitly stated within itself, all rights and power belong forever to We The People. All this asking the government for permission to participate in private commerce and relationships and paying a fee for it is quite simply unConstitutional. 

This week, President Obama is teaming up with a mainstream media corporation to begin his final push to address what he claims is the number one issue for America in 2016.  It is expected that he will soon unleash a new set of 'Executive Orders' aimed at unconstitutionally expanding the government's role in controlling the supposedly private commerce activities of American citizens.  Meanwhile he supports perpetual welfare/warfare across the globe and the weakening of America through un-constitutional treaties like the TransPacific Partnership and the Iran Deal.  

Yes America... We are witnessing the dismantling of Our nation right before our eyes.  Morality and commonsense have become 'enemies of the State' as the government strives to involve itself in every minuscule aspect of Our lives.  We The People have allowed Our government and nation to become the antithesis of itself in so many ways that it's almost impossible to define.   

 The only real question is, 'When is enough actually enough?'.