Strikes Against The Salmon Update 2016…
Sorry to seem so Doomsday-ish with this post folks, but my
intent is to point out that Western Alaska must diversify it’s economy in order
to make an effort to stem the declining population and socio-economic trends
that are mostly affecting the Native populations.
Original “Strikes Against The Salmon” from July 2012:
Lawmakers in Juneau propose Fish Tax Increase to help pay
for a bloated state government budget:
Large Bristol Bay harvests create market glut and lower wholesale
prices of Sockeye:
Smaller Fish are worth less to buyers:
Unusual Whale die-offs are happening all around the Pacific
Ocean’s coastlines:
Large bird die-offs are being reported around the Pacific as
Seabird Dies off in Bristol Bay reporting by Gary Neilson
via The Bristol Bay Times.
Algal toxins on the rise in Alaska: