
Friday, February 26, 2016

Waste Not...Want Not?

Word is that the Alaska House Majority is considering 'taking action' against a fellow legislator for calling out legislators on their positions.  This is just plain petty.  As elected representatives, the folks in the Legislature have voluntarily placed themselves up for scrutiny of their actions as legislators.  We also must remember that Our legislators are also Alaskan citizens and have the right to 'call-out' each other on things.  

This isn't the first time that the House 'leadership' has taken actions against a legislator for standing up for their principals.  The whole idea that legislators are essentially snubbing the voters by censuring and limiting the effectiveness of an elected representative of We The People.  Partisanship and personal 'beefs' should never come into the processes of legislative government, as they detract from the spirit and effectiveness of government of the people, by the people and for the people.  
The legislators of Alaska should focus their efforts on developing a budget that does not rely on revenue from the pockets of Alaskans in the form of taxes upon the private sector.  The government has to live within the means that it has, not speculative numbers and reliance upon wealth redistribution.  In other words, We have to push Our representatives to work hard to find efficiencies and cut 'slush' spending.  

We have to do this in Our personal finances and expecting Our government to do the same is only right.  Please take the time to drop Your Alaska Representative and Senator a note thanking them for their service and to work hard for Alaska's Future.

PS... Governor Walker's 'Sovereign Wealth Fund' proposes to cap the PFD at $1000 and tie the disbursements to future resource development revenues.  The rest of the revenue will be used for financing some portion of the burgeoning SoA budget.  

BTW... Did You know that the AK Dept. of Public Safety currently has 80 fully funded Trooper positions that are VACANT that equals about $6.5Million annually and has maintained an average of 77 of these positions over the last 10 years?  This scenario is also present in other agencies and has contributed heavily to the deficit spending that the SoA is currently in.  This is a budgeting practice that must be stopped sooner than later.