Good Morning Folks,
Apathy is the word that describes that unfortunate feeling of not giving a damn about something. You know what I'm talking about... whether you attained this from being overwhelmed by seeing the same results o'er an o'er again or by thinking that it doesn't affect your life; We all have suffer from a form of it from time to time. Sorta like the common cold but without a common cure to be found in the shelves of the local megamart or drugstore.
Today in America, our nation is suffering from Apathy on an unprecedented scale, an epidemic of proportions previously unknown. It's visible everyday in every-way. We the People awaken at a predetermined time to consume some chemically modified/altered substances and commute to whatever 'work' We have in order to pay for goods mostly made in China and taxes to a government that acts un-Constitutional in almost every act. And at the end of the day We return to the abodes that We pay a permission to use as regulated by the government property tax on forever and eat yet another meal of whatever product is sold with more taxes at the conglomerated store.
Meanwhile Our government is spending literally billions a day on foreign aid, space exploration and whatever else they can dream up... while America falters and suffers. Sure the suffering isn't like the hungry children in the TV ads, but it isn't what America could be. We are born into debt and die in debt... that's a fact. Our resources are squandered on the whims of the modern day robber barons that see War as a means for profit while seeking out more natural resources to make more profit on. But back in America, We see the very fabric of Our nation stained by an epidemic of Opioid addiction, Veteran suicides, personal debt, moral degradation and the list goes on and on ad nauseam!
We do this day in and day out until We die and pass along our debts and suffering to our descendants who are living the same way. This is the anti-thesis of the vision of America's founding fathers and the people that sacrificed life and limb to set forth this nation and the many more that followed them. Sure it's not a perfect Utopia that was established upon perfect ideals, but it's not like it's an islamic theocracy either.
We The People do have options...
I personally pray to God for Revival or Rapture, because Revolution is redundant.