
Sunday, May 15, 2016

Are You Constitutionally Confused?

The big ‘social news’ of the past several weeks has been North Carolina’s House Bill 2 and it’s clause to restrict which public access bathrooms are available for use by people that are gender confused.  On the surface this could appear to be discriminatory to people that obviously have a psychological disorder that causes them to think that their physiology is in error.  But is that really what HB2 is about?  Several politicos have published that there are other clauses in the bill that aren’t even related to the whole transgender bathroom usage issue but are in fact related to protecting corporate power through the power of the government.  Whatever the case may or may not be, what’s really obvious is that government has now become confused in what it’s primary purposes are. 

I for one can tell you with certainty that is not to tell anyone which damn bathroom they can or cannot use.  The primary purpose of government is to protect it’s citizens from harm…period.  By encouraging people with an obvious psychosis to do whatever they want to is not upholding that primary function at all and in fact acts in counter of it.  Although mathematically isolated, there have been more than several incidents of persons going into bathrooms under this new guise of free-use and assaulting and invading upon the presumed privacy of others.  This is something that pretty much goes against ‘human nature’ and should never be acceptable.  But when the government says that We must abandon morality and cede self-security under the false pretenses of ‘civil rights’…that’s a sign to We The People that government has overstepped the powers that We gave it. 

The Federal Government does NOT have the authority under the US Constitution to decree anything regarding the laws of the member States of the Republic in regards to anything not specifically defined within the US Constitution... The use of 'Executive Orders' and bullying by the President to advance a social destruction agenda aimed at destroying morality and weakening the powers of We The People is un-Constitutional. The powers of the Supreme Court of the United States do NOT extend to arbitrating internal civil laws of the States of the Republic.  The Supreme Court of the United States is only authorized by the US Constitution to arbitrate disputes between the member States of the Republic.  

Continued Membership of the States of the Republic in the Union of America is at the will of the States... Not the Federal Government.  Secession or Abandonment of membership in the Republic is entirely up to the Citizens of each Member State.  When member States at the will of the People decide that membership in the Republic is harmful to their well being, they may vacate their membership and participation.  
The great American experiment in 'democracy' has failed... It is time for the People of the States of the Republic to stand up and call for a diminishment in federal powers or dissolution of the Republic.  If elected officials continue to bow to the federation in Washington DC that has grown to become a war machine for corporate interests, they should be arrested by the People and held accountable for treasonous actions.  

If You as an American and citizen of your State understand that these statements about the Republic are in fact true... Please take a stand for what is right.  The founding father's of America understood that the government should never, ever be able to use threat of violence against We The People in order to perpetuate it's own existence.  When police and military resources are used to quell dissent amongst citizens and to enforce codes aimed at collecting resources to maintain unjust government, then it's beyond obvious that it's past time to put that government into check. 

We The People were never meant to be slaves to a system that perpetuates War and Tyranny across the globe... Is this so hard to understand?