
Friday, October 23, 2020

10-19-2020 through 10-23-2020 aka FRUSTRATION & FUTILITY

 On Monday, I posted a ranting about the newest version of the City of Dillingham’s proposed ‘Emergency’ ordinance as pertaining to the Covid-19 ‘crisis’.  In that ranting I used some stronger language than I normally do and I left out something that I usually proffer when I write about public issues, a suggested solution.  When I was asked about this, I had to stop and think about what a positive spun solution would look like.  I drew a blank…


This drawing of a blank is due to factors that are beyond my control and/or influence:

1.    Despite the overwhelming opposition to continued expansion of government powers of the people they are supposed to be representing, the elected officials in Dillingham have wholly chosen to ignore the people in favor of pandering to their good ole’ boy network of family, friends and co-workers. Those are the people that benefit the most from totalitarian governance and selective administration of the resources of the people. 

2.    I do on a regular basis reach out and submit comments, suggestions and complaints to my elected representatives in all 3 levels of Our government.  I rarely get any response from the federal level other than stock reply messages with no follow-up.  On the State level, I get a bit more interaction depending on which legislators I reach out to on topics.  I never get replies from Senator Hoffman… and the only replies I’ve ever received from Representative Edgmon are complaints and admonishments based on my written rants.  Nary a reply to positive action suggestions on topics like intrastate drug trafficking, high shipping costs or helping our neighboring communities.  The same rings entirely true with my interactions with local elected officials… and I know that I am not the only one that has experienced these circumstances while dealing with the governments of We the People.  

3.    Trying to play nice or using honey to attract interaction is proving to be a futile effort in today’s socio-political environment. So many people have been sucked into the self-glorification of politics and power that they have forgotten the basics of the American way and dream.  When I write to Our representatives on issues and such; I always remain civil, factual and offer thought out suggestions/solutions. For example… as a founding member of the fbook group called ‘theBAYpac’, I led the authoring of several pieces aimed at addressing some rather serious socio-economic issues that are taking their toll on Southwestern Alaska.  All of these commentaries were also sent/submitted to all manner or government entities. Guess what… no replies in the positive or negative.  



So, what is it going to take to make the City Council ‘WOKE‽’


FRIDAY UPDATE:  Since Monday I have peened and transmitted a letter to the Mayor and the entire Council on the topic of ‘Emergency Ordinance 2020-22’ which I publicly posted here:  I did receive one response so far from Mayor Ruby that indicated that she would share the letter with the Council and she said;

Just one thing that I would note.  We have had more participation in recent meetings than I recall having in many years and I presume that it is because residents have been able to call in to participate.”

Nothing about the actual substance of the letter at all.  This type of communications is what I have begrudgingly learned to accept from the elected representatives of We the people on all levels.  Just last week I sent a copy of my post called ‘Taxation Without Representation’ ( to the Mayor and Council… with one reply:


Chris Napoli

Thu, Oct 15, 5:44 PM (8 days ago)

to me


Thank you for bringing this to my attention.  

Best regards,



Not one mention of the actual topic… no follow through… no phone calls… nothing whatsoever.  I can show this to be the pattern that is situation normal for them for years. Now not to whine about this too much… but it is disheartening to essentially be ignored by elected officials on a consistent and regular basis.  When elected, they swear an oath to represent ALL constituents, not just their buddies and paycheck signers. The ideal of representative government is that ALL the people have a voice and you get out of it what you put in.  That is NOT what’s happening in Dillingham or the rest of Western Alaska... heck not in the rest of the republic either.  So, I ask again…


So, what is it going to take to make the City Council ‘WOKE‽’