
Tuesday, October 27, 2020

As November 5th Approaches... Remember, Remember...

 Madam Mayor and City Council Members,

There are facets of proposed ordinance 2020-22 that the public is becoming very vocal about and concerned. I once again write to You asking that this process be paused.  Theirs is no need to continue the growth of the bureaucracy in Dillingham because of an ‘emergency’.  Establishing expansive powers to be available in an emergency while under an ‘emergency’ is something that the people must be involved in and public awareness must be increased.  There are a lot of people in Dillingham that haven’t an idea about the mitigation provisions written into this ordinance.    


I would like to suggest that the Council consider putting any vote on Ordinance 2020-22 on hold until after an in-person public hearing is held where the people can all line up to speak to the issues on a first come, first serve basis.  Not in the typical format of speaking by appointment and by-favor, but one where the general public is allowed to be heard by the council and each other. There’s no reason that this cannot be held…and held very soon in the DHS Gymnasium with social distancing and masks.  


Thank You for your consideration in these matters and I look forward to hearing back from You.


Jon Corbett