Just reading the title of this permanent ordinance naming an ‘emergency’ says a lot about the calamity Dillingham Ordinance 2020-22 actually is.
a. Ordinance 2020-22(S); An Ordinance of the Dillingham City Council Authorizing the City Manager to Utilize the Emergency Operations Center to Promulgate and Enforce Regulations to Stop the Spread of COVID-19 in Accordance with the Recommendations in the City of Dillingham COVID-19 Mitigation Plan
- Adopt Ordinance No. 2020-22(S); An Ordinance of the Dillingham City Council Authorizing the City Manager to Utilize the Emergency Operations Center to Promulgate and Enforce Regulations to Stop the Spread of COVID-19 in Accordance with the Recommendations in the City of Dillingham COVID-19 Mitigation Plan ...................................................page 49
- Introduce Ordinance No. 2020-23; An Ordinance of the Dillingham City Council Amending the Effective Date of Ordinance 2020-02 ............................................................... page 55”
City of Dillingham November 5, 2020 Regular Council Meeting Page 1 of 2
This idea must be postponed for much further public discussion. Making permanent the ‘emergency’ of Covid/Corona/CV-19 and the ambiguous ever-changing mitigation plan/policy is a far-over-reaching act. It pretty much puts a perpetual infringement upon the people’s personal rights and their property. The Alaska Constitution says:
We the people of Alaska, grateful to God and to those who founded our nation and pioneered this great land, in order to secure and transmit to succeeding generations our heritage of political, civil, and religious liberty within the Union of States, do ordain and establish this constitution for the State of Alaska.
Article I – Declaration of Rights
§ 1. Inherent Rights
This constitution is dedicated to the principles that all persons have a natural right to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and the enjoyment of the rewards of their own industry; that all persons are equal and entitled to equal rights, opportunities, and protection under the law; and that all persons have corresponding obligations to the people and to the State
Source: https://ltgov.alaska.gov/information/alaskas-constitution/