
Sunday, November 1, 2020

Sharing Is Caring...

Silence from the elected representatives of We the People is actually an affirmation of what many Americans are waking up to see.  They have consistently proven themselves to be very selective towards the ‘more important’ few while laying the burden upon Us.  All levels of government in the republic have become polluted with position, power and partisanship.  They swear an oath to the People and the Constitutions, but act to serve a bureaucracy that is unconstitutional and inhumane.  

When a person volunteers to serve their fellow citizens as their representative in a government entity… they are not to be beholden to any entity but We the People. There is no mention of politics or parties in the Constitution. That’s because Our representatives are supposed to represent US and our benefit. Continuing to grow the fiscal demand for government to fund expanding control is absolutely not for Our benefit. It is the absolute anti-thesis of what ideals and beliefs Our nations was founded upon. 

This week the United States is selecting these representatives of the people on all levels of government in the republic.  Not matter the outcome… Noting is really going to change.  I can guarantee that if America wakes up to blood in the streets…. Government will win and impose even more upon Us. 


This morning I prayed about America in church… Normally I don’t share these, but because of the topic. Here are my notes and I may have slightly gone off of them. 


In the last 12 years, the number of people that identify with being ‘religious’ has nearly halved and the number of people identifying as being Christian has fallen from 78% to near 60%. The instances of the government pushing secularist ideals upon society have dramatically increased as have the social woes faced by our nation. 


Poverty rates, substance abuse rates and suicide rates are on the increase all across America as the people choose to abandon Christianity and rely upon secularist government policies to help them survive in an ever-changing world.  Even though the decline of America’s socio-economic standing is directly correlated to the reduction of their faith in God, the people are still clinging tightly to their perverted ideas of what liberty actual is.  All across America people have chosen to cast their lot with the worldly influences of materialism and self-guidance even though it’s clear that this is resulting in an epidemic of social ills that do nothing to serve and glorify God.  


This week Americans will be selecting elected representatives that swear an Oath to uphold the US and State Constitutions that define what limits and duties are placed upon the governments that belong to We the People. Those governments are instituted to serve Our benefit with limited involvement in personal lives and beliefs... That’s what the Bible and the Constitution says.  


First Timothy 2:1-6

1I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 2For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. 3For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; 4Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. 5For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; 6Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.


Dear God,

We come before You and praise the universe that is You… and Your Will.  We praise you for being the merciful one that redeems Us all.  We thank you for the many blessings that we have because of your will.  We thank you for the salvation that You give Us all and your perfect redemption of our human sins.  We also come to You to pray for the World and in particular the United States as we head into an uncertain time ahead.  We pray that You will guide the people in their votes and that the outcome is acceptable as a sign of your Will to all people. Please be with Us.
