
Thursday, December 10, 2020

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Randomly Catching Up… Sort Of.


Being almost completely cut off from social media for two months now has been interesting. There’s no immediacy in the news and opinions of the corporate-media’s choosing.  It’s also proven to demonstrate how electronic communications and interactions have taken over the lives of virtually everyone… pun intended.  I do get to read the news when I choose to do so… but the news outlets that serve Southwestern Alaska are severely lacking.  The prevalence of fbook, twitter and Instagram in communications has pretty much replaced print and radio media.  Yes the local NPR station does some local news and such, but they are small and limited because of over a dozen years of deficit spending by the SoA. 

So… in those forays onto ‘news’ sites during the past couple of weeks and hearing through the national press that Biden is as expected doing the same ole’ same ole’ that all the past dozen POTUS’s have done as he sets up his administration. I’m just sitting over here waiting for We the People to wake up to the fact that the ‘political’ system that CONTROL our governments has FAILED. So what that every 4-8 years the power structure amongst the supposed elected representatives fades from red to blue and back again when the only color that really matters to them is GREEN


Who can stand up and actually say that the last two presidents and several shifts of Congress really made the daily lives of Americans any better as a whole?  Currently in the USA… We the People are living like the Soviet people did as they slaved and toiled away to feed a corrupted government and war machine. We have to ask permission to travel and are required to participate in medical procedures to do so. People are told to stay home unless the government deems them necessary.  Government is being conducted behind closed doors as We are ignored by our representatives. These conditions exist because We the People have allowed this to happen.  

Moving on… I guess that We should be thankful to the powers that be because they’ve developed a vaccine for this virus that has us all hunkered down and avoiding being people.  Yes, the Gov’t says that vaccinated people should still follow the masking and isolation orders and/or advisements. They keep moving the goalposts folks. 11100010 10000000 10111101



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