
Thursday, August 19, 2021

My 2 Cents…

Looking Forward…

Imagine if an invading nation came in with guns blazing and dollars flying with the intent of fundamentally changing Our society while also seeking to exploit resources… what would Americans do? 

The events of the past month in Afghanistan with the Taliban regaining control of their nation after nearly 20 years of oppressive American occupation that sorrowfully saw thousands of needless American deaths absolutely reinforced the old adage about those that do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.  Way back in the weeks following the 9/11 attacks on the United States… a lot of O&I types were adamant that invading Afghanistan was not the path to take in order to hunt down Bin Laden and destabilize the network he supposedly oversaw.  When it became apparent that the Allied mission was to turn an Islamic State into a Western democracy… a lot of those people left the employ of the US Government.  It had become very clear that the US& NATO were jumping headfirst into a quagmire of epic proportions.

So… Thousands of American lives, souls and bodies later with a whole lot of blah-blah-blah and Trillion$ to boot, the American people are witnessing the failures that were predicted even before Congress approved that first AUMF. But there’s something that a lot of Americans are ignoring… actually several somethings. 

The most obvious issue is that the NATO Alliance went into Afghanistan looking to convert the entire society from the ground up. From the culture all the way through their form of government.  This was mainly done using violence, coercion and corruption while saying it was to stop those exact actions. But the real reason for why the Allies stayed was not to make Afghanistan a better place, but to take their natural resources. 

In order to do so, We had to prop up a government that would allow foreign corporations to come in and oversee resource extraction. The government under the Taliban did not allow this to happen and the excuse of hunting down al-whatever terrorists as the perfect excuse for NATO to move in.   However now that the process of developing those resources has begun and Afghanistan is going to need lots and lots of money to operate… the Taliban will exploit the development and future potential.  They will not however do this with the companies already in their country. Simply looking North will quickly put their products to a market that will consume everything. 

We Americans supported a conflict that was doomed to begin with and one of the most hypocritical fiascos in human history.  The loss of American lives, the physical & emotional scarring of an entire generation of Americans while also wasting Our resources in pursuit of an outcome that should have never even been considered is despicable at best. This tragedy falls right at the feet of We the People and Our corrupt MIC controlled government as we keep on electing Our representatives that continue to allow and even support the war machine that should not exist and sticking our noses into everyone else’s business as our own nation falters. 

It’s past time for Americans to demand that We begin a rapid withdrawal of Our armed forces from all across the globe. That action must be done in a manner as not to leave any resources behind. It is absolutely not the business of the United States to police the globe. In addition, We must also demand a massive reduction and eventual halting of any and all American resources going overseas… those billions of annual expenditures should be used right here in America First. That’s what the Constitution says and if you disagree then maybe You should leave America. 

America is broken and to fix Us; We the People need to get back to the basics. We need to stop feeding the ever growing governments that have perpetuated the failure of Our republic.  One of the first things We can do is to minimize and/or eliminate our consumption of non-necessary ‘stuff’ in Our lives. Reducing wasteful spending in our own lives accomplishes several things with the primary being to reduce revenue to government.  Imagine if the people cut just 15% of elective spending for a month… but I propose that We all pare down our luxuries and focus on basics. Any reformation of America must begin with Us… We the People… the Individuals of America. 

The next step of course is to quit electing people at all levels of government that are supported by interests that are harmful to Our republic. When they say they want your vote in order to give You something… after taking away something; you know that they are not looking out for anyone’s interest but growing government and transferring the benefits of our own industry to someone else. Perpetual reliance upon government to fix and provide is self-enslavement any way you look at it. It is also Unconstitutional and near heretical. 

Americans must now look forward and take control of Our own future history… We must begin by Praying for God’s Will in what path We take. 

Have a nice day folks! 

PS… On a base level, the Taliban is to be commended for their steadfast commitment to regaining their nation from a hostile invading force intent on destroying culture and history for their own gain.