
Tuesday, September 14, 2021

AKA… It’s Not About The Signs

Outside of the Right Of Way…

Political campaign signs in Alaska on private property must be outside of the public authority right of way… period. That means no tacking to telephone poles, street signs or jammed into the ground right on the side of the road.  There’s a few more rules too… and there’s also a penalty:

“In accordance with the law the owner of the property or the person placing or maintaining the unauthorized sign is subject to removal expenses of at least $50 per sign; fines of at least $50 and as much as $5,000 if convicted of a misdemeanor; and associated costs.”

We can’t pick and choose which rules and laws to follow… especially if seeking public office. This may seem petty to some readers, but the fact is that if public officials are allowed to violate their oaths of office and law in any amount, they are then granted the consent to do whatever they want. This is especially true here in DLG.  Every single member of the current council has violated the law by enacting a tax without the vote of the people approving the tax.  That vote is required by Alaska State Law.

I have on several occasions raised this issue with the council but I only received one response that said something like “Jon,

Thank you for bringing this to my attention.  

Best regards,

Chris”.  That’s it…


Read more about the DLG Tax Issue: