
Tuesday, September 21, 2021

DLG Council Candidate Survey

Last week I reached out to a dozen or so local residents that own property and run businesses in Dillingham.  I asked for their assistance in composing a list of questions for the people campaigning to represent Us on the Dillingham City Council and as Mayor.  The response was overwhelming with many of the people asking a lot of the same questions… here Ya’ go folks. I suggest that if you like the list… copy and paste it into an email to the City of Dillingham ( as a suggestion for the upcoming ‘debate’ on September 27, 28 and 29, 2021. 

In order to help voters become informed about the issues surrounding governance in Dillingham, We submit the following questions to candidates seeking to be elected to two council seats and the position of Mayor.  As the election is fast approaching it is expected that responses be returned no later than September 25, 2021 so that voters can have ample opportunity to review response and make informed choices when casting their votes.

  1. What do you see as the single biggest issue facing the City of Dillingham in the next 3 years?
  2. What do you plan to do to help curb deficit spending by the City of Dillingham?
  3. Will you support the City of Dillingham providing funding for the Dillingham City School District if the curriculum contains social justice and/or critical race theory based education supplements?
  4. Will you support the increase of any taxes on sales, services and property within the City of Dillingham?
  5. Will you support the maintaining of EO 2020-22… the ‘permanent emergency’ ordinance that ceded the council’s regulatory authority to the City Manager?
  6. What can the City of Dillingham do to help keep more of the commercial fishing fleet based out of Dillingham thus increasing it’s economic impact upon our community?
  7. What can the City of Dillingham do to help increase economic opportunities for residents? 
  8. What can be done to increase job performance of City employees and/or contractors to make sure We the taxpayers are getting our money’s worth?

We look forward to your replies.


Jon Corbett