
Monday, October 25, 2021

Texas Is Falling…

Texans better be getting ready… and the rest of America Too!

This video shows a mob of migrants transiting from somewhere to the United States. The weak efforts of Mexican military and law enforcement to stop this lawlessness shows what is heading here.  Currently the only option is to actually defend Our already faltering nation from taking on more burden and threats.  The President has it in his power to deploy all manner of manpower & technology to slow and stop the illegal and unorganized disaster coming into Our nation. But he’s off fumbling around in the woods and Vice President Harris is playing kids games in kindergartens.  

So why hasn’t the NatSec cabal stepped up and made something happen? 

Has the entire Federal system just…‽

Video Source:

UPDATE 10/25/21… The Biden Administration is refusing Texas Governor Abbott’s request for a Emergency Declaration as literally 10s of thousands of migrants are streaming in and setting up camps. The Biden Administration is just sitting in their thumbs and watching the eroding of America. This is Treason… 

Biden FEMA Denies Texas Appeal for Border Crisis Emergency Funding |