Way Too Far..‽
One positive thing that has come out of the whole CV19 debacle is that the truth about the US government’s role about funding and participating in Nazi Germany styled medical experiments all across the globe. Two weeks ago it was revealed that the NIH under Fauci had funded Viral GOF/Enhancement research in China and tortuous experiments on animals. This week it’s been found that the NIH also funded research using the scalps of aborted humans being grafted into rodents. If this isn’t proof that the US has failed and is as evil as Satan itself then nothing is.
Yes what Fauci’s NIH is filthy… but even more vile is that despite all the evidence stacking up against the current corporate regime in DC… a lot of Americans are happily swallowing it all head and shaft. The people are being vilified for speaking out against the idiotic atrocities of the MIC by people that don’t contribute to society. Satan’s Simps bully the faithful and the truth seekers through all manner of coercive means and promote the degradation of society through false equity and the corrupted courts.
We the People have pretty much abandoned our self and pursue the as legislated American Dream… as shoved down our throats by the coordinated corporate media control… the antithesis of what America is supposed to be. I’m gonna demonstrate this by posting this in a local Fbook group and see how long it takes for a ‘progressive’ to either attack me personally or bring up the last POTUS… whom I did NOT vote for nor support. But the #PerfectPeople will reign… but only here on Earth.
Is America too far gone‽