
Tuesday, November 2, 2021



So the US and UK with a few other nations have been conducting a massive show of force in the South China Sea… Why?  It’s because Taiwan being the rebel wanna be independent state that it is, depends on these other nations to keep China in check.  Taiwan by itself cannot be sovereign and has depended on billion$ over the past 70 years from US to maintain their facade. 

But… let’s look at some reality in the actual threat of a PRC takeover of Taiwan. Any physical takeover in practical terms would require a massive air campaign to allow for troop movement to occupy the rogue province.  Both the PRC and Taiwan know that an amphibious ground invasion would be a disaster.  That’s why the Allied Naval forces are literally invading the South China Sea… to project power in Asia.  The Chinese have become more influential in Asia and Africa in the past decade because of economic reasons more than as a military threat. But the Allies keep on prodding and pushing and bullying.  

So now the Chinese are rapidly advancing their military to answer for massive gatherings of hostile forces at their borders.  For those that follow such topics… it’s a well known fact that the PRC has made amazing advances over the past 20 years.  Do these advances also come at the cost of Americans tax dollars like the CV19 issue? It’s highly likely that these advances are because of the PRC college kids that came over here to study sciences… but let’s also not forget that the big ‘American’ defense and aviation sectors rely heavily upon China and even are helping them build new technology.  

Below are a few links I looked up after writing the above rant… I think they sum this up nicely. The US influence in Asia is rapidly diminishing and even now the South Koreans are talking nice with The PRC.  This comes as Biden says he’s drawing down the US nuclear Arsenal while China is adding another 250-300 silos for nuke delivery systems and flying a hypersonic drone around the globe. 

Meanwhile Biden is off prancing around in Europe… and where’s Kamala? Certainly not at the Border PLP or in DC doing her damn job. Tiddlywinks Anyone?

Further Reading:

“Taiwan is so small, he said, and what the PLA is really fixated on are the many fleets deployed by other countries in the South China Sea. Based on his expertise in amphibious operations as a Marine, Chi said that the difficulties, complexities, and challenges of pulling off an invasion of Taiwan are too great.” Source:

American aerospace giant Honeywell has been doing business with China for decades… “Shane Tedjarati has taught at an elite school that provides leadership training to the Communist Party’s rising stars and was among the first foreigners to receive a Chinese passport.” Source:

“U.S. officials say they believe thousands of Chinese students and researchers participate in programs that encourage them to transfer medical, computer and other sensitive information to China, sometimes unknowingly.” Source:

South Korea is concerned that the Biden Administration won’t defend the Korean Peninsula against PRC aggression… so they’re restarting Unification talks. “With its nuclear posture review under way, the Biden team has reportedly been considering a "no-first-use" declaration, which would rule out the possibility of the U.S. launching a preemptive nuclear strike seen as a formidable deterrent against potential adversaries.” Source:

Oh and yet another high tech revelation that resembles a decade old US project… “Rogoway said the “very unusual airframe” immediately reminded him of two-decade-old concept art for the X-44 Manta – or Multi-Axis No-Tail Aircraft – a joint project between the US Air Force and NASA that was cancelled in the year 2000.” Source:

“The pace at which China is moving is stunning,” says Gen. John Hyten, the No. 2-ranking U.S. military officer, who previously commanded U.S. nuclear forces and oversaw Air Force space operations.” Source: