The Evils Of MAN…
There are a few things that get my ‘blood boiling’ and cruelty to animals is one of them. When Man decides that treating animals with no-regard in order to make a profit I tend to get a bit bugged… but then when I find out that these atrocities are being done with taxpayer dollars… I get pissed. The Evils Of Man have become acceptable as commonplace and it makes me sad and angry that Satan has pervaded society to this extent. So… at the risk of alienating myself with some folks (due to using ‘foul’ language), here We go.
Last month the White Coat Waste Project (WCWP) revealed that the US National Institute of Health (USNIH) had been funding a couple of research projects that involved in inhumane and almost demonic experiments being conducted on Beagles and other canines. The mainstream media quietly let the story pass by and there was barely any mention of it at all… especially in the neo-liberal/progressive outlets of MSNBC and CNN. Social media sites took to either deleting the content or instructing their newsfeed algorithms to subdue posts about the issue. Even the ‘fact checking’ sites made an attempt to discredit the US Gov’t’s research using canines… and I fully expect they are in high gear to smooth this latest revelation over with double-speak and circle-back language. ‘Normally’ the leftist outlets would have eviscerated the US Gov’t for these types of programs… but since the pandemic darling Dr. Fauci is the one that oversees and approves these experiments… CRICKETS!
Now the WCWP has unveiled yet another atrocious program. The USNIH has been found to be running a primate breeding project on an island off of the coast of South Carolina that supplies animals for other nefarious experiments. The monkeys originally came from a natural colony of Rhesus monkeys in Puerto Rico that were relocated to Morgan Island in the late 1970s. The island belongs to the SC Dept. of Natural Resources and is ‘leased’ to Charles River Laboratories to maintain and utilize the primate colony.
Here’s where it gets rather disturbing and disgusting… the USNIH has contracted with Charles River Laboratories to provide primates for all manner of experiments… some that involve torturous actions to test the monkey’s pain receptors. The monkeys are subjected to a variety of pain inducing actions and then administered medications to gauge their responses. “NIAID has spent $13.5 million in taxpayer funding on experiments that involve injecting monkeys with various infectious diseases such as Ebola and the Lassa virus that result in hemorrhaging, pain, brain damage, loss of motor control, and organ failure.” Most of these experiments happen in labs far away from Morgan Island where USNIH contractors can test the efficacy of various experimental medicines.
So in summary… the US Gov’t is paying a private company to provide primates to test medications (and who knows what else) in horrific experiments. This sort of evil all approved by Dr. Anthony Fauci is just a fancy skirting of the law so that someone can get wealthy off of evil. Why aren’t the “protect everything” leftists raising all manner of hell about this?
Any person that defends and/or supports this manner of ‘science’ is quite simply “Fucked In The Head’ and I welcome any of them to step to me and accept the challenge to prove me wrong or shut me up. Choosing to torture animals for whatever supposed reasons is almost as evil as supporting the murder of innocent defenseless babies in the womb. To me there is absolutely no reasoning behind these evil acts and the ones that commit and/or support these evil and Satanic practices are also Evil and Satanic.
PS… let’s be quite frank here; if some PETA and/or Humane Society folks occupied Morgan Island… I’d provide financial and/or material support for them to shut that hellhole down. In fact it absolutely sounds like a worthwhile action of civil disobedience. The warning sign says it all for me… what about You?
Here’s a few links to help you familiarize yourself with the issue at hand:
Whoaaa… and as I finalize this ranting I get a call from the CDC… probably strictly a coincidence but still… What The Fauci‽
The actual FOIA Request and reply from WCWP: MonkeyIslandFOIA_Sept2019.pdf(Review)- Adobe Document Cloud
#BeagleGate: An NIH-Supplying Beagle Factory Is Just the Beginning | PETA
USNIH on Beagle Testing:
Google Search: nih beagles - Google Search
Google Search: nih monkeys - Google Search
Morgan Island:,_South_Carolina