Now… before I go down this rabbit hole, let me warn the
reader that dealing with these issues are always a ‘No Holds Barred’
conversation. This is the whole Good v.
Evil, Right or Wrong, Life or Death issue wrapped up into one not so neat
package that’s going to take several posts to get through. Let’s start this off with a pretty meme
styled infographic on what Radical means.
“Oh Man That’s Rad!” was once a common usage variation in
popular culture surrounding surfing, skateboarding and BMX biking. Granted that the term was probably used by
other sub-cultural sections of American society, but for me this is where I
heard it the most. It was usually
uttered following someone witnessing an act or display of an outstanding and/or
daring feat somewhat out of the normal.
This use is firmly in line with the common dictionary definition.
In fact, despite the misperception that surfers and skaters
aren’t the sharpest knives in the block… they had this use of the term
‘radical’ 100% correct as far as their knowledge of English is concerned. Now… let’s look at how that term is used by
the supposedly educated and knowing mainstream media and reiterated by millions
as they follow along with whatever minutia is pushed upon them by
is one of the things that I agreed with former President Obama on… the use of
the term ‘radical’ when describing the followers of Islam that are acting upon
the teachings of the Orthodox Imams and Mullahs that are fueling the rhetoric
and motivation of the current rise in jihadi efforts across the globe.
Those that are following the teaching that promotes ultimate
victory by Islam over the evils of Christianity and Zionism by any means
necessary do themselves define themselves as radicals. They are following the belief that they are
One or Tawhid with Allah and that they are perpetuating that Oneness by waging
jihad against infidels and apostates. They are following a 1500 + years old
cultural system that has not only survived, but has grown almost exponentially
in the last century. The radicals, as defined by English, are
the ones that have strayed from the core beliefs and teachings that are now
being used as a political tool by Zionist interests that stand to benefit from
perpetual conflict surrounding the use of the lands that God gave his
peoples. However… those IS sheep have it
wrong as well, at least as far as their little one finger up hand sign is
The hand sign indicating the participation in jihad for
tawid was originally the same sign as sign language uses to indicate the letter
“R”. This symbol was used by the
original modern era of radical Islamists to show silently their solidarity with
one another in achieving the universal oneness with Allah and creation. The fingers actually wrap a bit to simulate
an entanglement or bond.
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I also have this in common with Obama... Last night I debated that they should not be called Radicals by Infidels, but if they want to call themselves radicals by definition who am I to argue. |