Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Fluid Dynamics...


Fluid Dynamics?  

In physical science, Fluid Dynamics is a generic term applied to the properties of a liquid/fluid/less than rigid material under various conditions.  The very term 'dynamics' indicates change... it implies that change is possible under certain conditions.  That change in physcial state upon the 'fluid' is the result of outside influences.  

To my knowledge there is no 'fluidity' in human physiology...  But lately there are people supposedly more learned than I teaching in US Schools, Colleges and Universities that do recieve public monies that are teaching that human gender is capable of constant change at will.  Huh?  Seriously folks... just how the heck can they think that a guy can will his penis to be something other than the two roles it has been assigned by his DNA?  Do Ya' just stare at it and meditate and BAM 💥 once you hit a certain level of sub-consciousness it turns into a what?  Because it won't be a vagina as clearly defined by human physiology?  

What confounds me is how they can just apply fluid definitions to physical science... physiology.  You can't claim to support science and then apply it has only when it's convenient.  It's like Alchemy, Hypocrisy and Idiocy all rolled into one abomination of reality.