retailers in Dillingham sell a million gallons of fuel they have to act as
Agents of the City of Dillingham and collect a 6% sales tax on the dollar
amount of those sales and forward that amount to the City of Dillingham. This is what the sales tax revenue looks like
at several recent past price per gallon levels:
As one can see… just the revenue as related to fuel sales
collected by the CoD has been dramatically reduced due to lower consumer
prices. During these uncertain fiscal
times, We need to encourage the Dillingham City Council to be extra-diligent in
their spending. As part of that effort,
We have to pretty much tell them to stop expanding any currently offered
‘services’ or seeking any more capitol project grant funds. Alaska is slowly but surely descending into a
recession unlike any that We’ve seen before and We have to accept the fact that
all government functions will need to ‘tighten their belts’. This fiscal fact is expected of responsible
households and should be the standard for Our Governments as well.