For the past two years, a facebook profile with the name 'Corey Struthers' has been interjecting into the Alaska political theatre under false pretenses. This personal facebook profile does not represent a real person. It is really in fact the creation of Allen Michael Chambers ( Yesterday I chose to block & report the fake account to facebook. This morning I got the following message from facebook:
So, being the diligent seeker of truth that I am... I scrolled way back and found this:
So I was going to go and get some other things from the Corey Struthers profile and found out that I had been blocked. No Biggie... a fake account blocking me really isn't a big deal. However I am posting all of this to bring a better light to the situation at hand.
Oh here's a bonus... the Corey Struthers profile bragging about trolling the 2016 Alaska Libertarian Candidate for the US House: