Russia Says...
“Repeated combat actions by U.S. aviation under the cover of counterterrorism against lawful armed forces of a country that is a member of the [United Nations] are a massive violation of international law and de facto a military aggression against the Syrian Arab Republic,”
I have long opposed any US involvement in the Syrian conflict because it makes absolutely no
sense for American to be bombing anyone or
funding anyone in that nation. The situation that the world finds itself in because of the Syrian Civil War that was started by the previous Administration is probably the last straw. The Middle East has had enough of Anglo-American meddling that has been fueling the regional conflicts for the past century all for the benefit of modern day robber barons from the natural resources exploitation industry. More Wars means More Gold, Oil and Drugs is needed for the War Machine to go and take more Gold, Oil and Drugs.
The current administrations seems hellbent on furthering all of the agendas set in-place decades ago. Trump's not going to put #AmericaFirst... because that would harm the aforementioned elitists.