Facebook asks: What's On Your Mind This Morning?
Well... first of all is this disaster of a gov't We The People continue to allow to rule over Us. It's not just Trump or GOP Senators that chose to vote against procedure or that We are embroiled in damn near global
warfare and welfare while Our own nation is faltering and thanking foreign corporations for investing in America. It's ALL of it.
President Trump is perpetrating the farce that governemnt by the People and for the People that was also advanced by Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson... In the past 50 years the powers of the government to operate in the benefit of corporations and foreign entities have expanded far beyond what any other totalitarian society has ever done before. The use of media to promote secularism and false wars for natural resources has essentially degraded the very fabric of Our republic. And yet We The People allow it by signing up to vote as allowed by the private political corporations that control ballot access and participation to further the agendas established by their corporacratic donors.
So it really doesn't matter if transwhatevers want to be bad ass doorkickers or not. During my tenure of service in various capacities for the Department of Defense I knew several seriously bad ass special ops guys that could probably take out a dictator and security team by themselves. Personally I believe that these socio-sexual anomalies haven't a place in most relationships. If a person is capable and follows through with accomplishing a job; then what's the damn problem. Plenty os straight people have let 'sexuality issues' get them into trouble with their employers too. No one of Us is perfect and We only answer for ourself when we face eventual judgement by God. Someone once said something like 'Love the Sinner but hate the Sin" and I believe that should be the case when dealing with the whole rainbow/unicorn confusion.
Oh... and the State governments aren't doing any better folks. Here in itty-bitty ole' Alaska, Our legislature and past 4 Governors have basically taken without consent about 1/2 of Our permanent fund income due Us in order to fund ever expanding government at inflation-plus rates while giving Our resources to foreign corporations. Now they're cutting in-state capitol spending to fund inefficient and wasteful government. But that's not even as bad as an already doomed pipedream that time and time again has failed because it's just not feasible. But it sure works to line the pockets of all those O&G consultant lobbyists and pay for luxury trips to exotic locales across Asia.
Oh... and I have to make dough, cut wings, cut veggies and then try and cook it all up!
Have a great Thursday!