
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

SouthWestern Alaska, So Sad...

So... it was disappointing to see that the Dillingham Schools accepted $5000 from the Pebble Limited Partnership along with 16 other regional entities. Heck they dropped $150K in Togiak for the Moravian Church, Library and School. I was even more surprised to see the Ekuk accepted their money too... I guess if the communities need the funds and can't get them from local and state entities, turning to foreign corporations will have to do huh?
Like I've said before, the mere fact that Pebble is still around speaks volumes about the state of affairs in Bristol Bay and Alaska.  If we could handle things ourselves, then foreign corporations would be making strides with their dirty politics and cash. The things listed by the PebbleFund are straight up legitimate needs and I'm thankful that these organizations were able to find the funding to accomplish their goals.  However, the source is the issue, but what should an entity do when they can't get needed funding from local, regional and state sources?
Here is the complete listing of 2012 awards:

  • Boys & Girls Clubs of Southcentral Alaska, Be GREAT!, $5,240
  • Bristol Bay Borough, Naknek Sewer Line Relocation off the Beach, $30,000
  • Camai CHC, Camai CHC X-Ray Machine, $55,900
  • City of Egegik, Gasoline Dispensing Tank, $25,000
  • City of Egegik, Electrical Distribution System Upgrade/Replacement, $25,000
  • City of Nondalton, 3rd Road Extension-Construction, $85,000
  • City of Pilot Point, Pilot Point Utility Metering System Upgrade, $42,500
  • Covenant House Alaska, Youth Homelessness and Human Trafficking Awareness in Bristol Bay, $6,274
  • Dillingham City Schools, Travel for 2012 Band Festival, $5,000
  • Igiugig Tribal Village Council, Igiugig Fuel Truck, $24,800
  • Lake and Peninsula School District, LPSD Cultural Initiative Program, $37,500
  • Native Village of Ekuk, Ekuk Burn Box Operation, $5,000
  • South Naknek Village Council, Water and Sewer Equipment Upgrade Project, $30,000
  • The Lake and Peninsula Borough, Lake and Peninsula Borough Grant Writing Workshop, $24,000
  • Togiak Moravian Church, Togiak Moravian Church Project, $110,621
  • Togiak Public Library & Cultural Center, New Books 2012, $5,000
  • Togiak School, Togiak School Classroom Technology Refurbishment, $24,000