
Wednesday, March 16, 2016


Here's the petition I penned for the #ProtectThePFD effort... There's a link to where it can be signed at the bottom.

Alaska Governor
Alaska State House
Alaska State Senate
Alaskans want the Governor and Legislature to work towards a long term sustainable budget plan that does not include new revenue sources such as tapping & capping the PFD and new taxes. By utilizing the Earnings Reserve and existing revenues, we can have a balanced budget at $3.8B based on $40 bbl oil. Any attempt to modify the PF formulas to decrease the dividend potential while paying for above inflation government sector growth is not sustainable, but places other assets of the public at risk too.

I implore the Legislature and Governor's office to look outside of the big money lobbyists and industry donors for help in figuring this out. If yet another special session is needed, the costs of that will pale in comparison to the losses Alaska's Future will feel if We don't develop a true plan for Alaska. The session to session legislative budgeting model has failed and We must restructure how We govern ourselves or we will soon be told by more and more government and creditors to that government. 

The time to act is now... not by waiting and seeing what will happen next.