
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

There's Gold In Them There Hills!

Still In AFG…

In the years of research that I have done into the mining industry and the geo-politics that play well into that industry, I learned long ago why America remained in Afghanistan for so long.  It wasn’t to help that nation build it’s own ‘democracy’, but to provide protection for natural resource development to also include opium. 

International corporations have begun making large investments in the region.Sadat Mansoor Naderi, chairman of the Afghan Gold and Minerals Company believes that the mining industry is a promising, long-term source of economic growth and stability for the region after 2014. The value of the Aynak copper mine,Sheberghan gas fields and Ghazni lithium mines have been estimated to be as much as $3 trillion. For instance, the Aynak copper field alone has created over 1000 local jobs. Joji Tokeshi, country director for the Afghan Resident Mission, Asian Development Bank also outlined more than $1.9 billion his organization hasinvested in the country’s transportation system, $700 million in developing energy, power, and gas systems, and more than $500 million spent on natural resources development.

Just a few clicks reveals what’s happened and who is going to benefit from all this damned perpetual welfare and warfare that America is spreading across the entire Middle East.  The image below is a summary of what we’ve achieved.  When is enough…actually enough?

It’s time for America to take care of America Now…