
Friday, March 17, 2017



So, I used the term ‘LibTard” to describe the activist judge from Hawaii that saw fit to rule in favor of the motion to stay the latest “executive Order’ from President Trump regarding immigration from a certain group of countries.    Not far into the thread posted on facebook, someone commented with a request for me to define the term.  My first response was to fire off something snarky and most likely offensive but I thought better of myself and have decided to come up with my own rendition of a definition.

What is interesting about this occurrence is that this is from my memory/recall, the first time that I have ever used the term LibTard.  But as any good student of etymology Knows, the mechanics and origin of the word must be dissected in order to fully comprehend the meaning of the word, LibTard.  On the surface it most certainly comes across as a having a demeaning connotation.  That acquaintance with negativity most certainly comes from the second syllable ‘Tard’ which is most often associated with the archaic term ‘retard” and used in a lot of slang.

LibTard Images From Google

In keeping with modern times and technology, I took off clicking into Google to see what I could find out about the term.  I won’t go all in-depth on what I discovered, but I shall provide a link at the end of this post to make it easy for others to see for themselves what I found.  When I do research on something, I go quite a few clicks deep and even if necessary with go to physical reference sources.  In the past I have gone as far as having to make arrangements to go places other than where I reside in order to make an accurate assessment of the subject of my quandary.  However, this time will not require such actions as all I really have to do is click around my twitter or facebook timelines to find plenty of LibTard content.

informal, offensive 

LibTard Definitions Example


Libtard on Social Media: