
Sunday, March 19, 2017

DLG Town Hall

Earlier today, District 37 Representative and Speaker of the House Bryce Edgmon held a Town Hall at the Dillingham LIO.  I had hoped to be out on a Caribou trip on the Nushagak Peninsula, but as fate may have it that was not the case and I was able to join about 20 other DLG'ers in hearing what Our representative in Juneau has to say about things.  Of course the main topic being the fiscal disaster that the State of Alaska is in and what solutions were being looked at in Our capitol.

I want to thank Bryce for allowing his constituents to ask about the issues and proffer ideas and concerns.  Being the Speaker of the House comes with a bigger target on one's back than does being a mere member of the House.  That position must produce a lot of frustration as you try and coordinate the workings of the House and guide them to doing their best for We The People of Alaska as We are the source of government and its power.  Now let's look at my haphazard notes from this afternoon....

He started by saying the legislature is operating on these 4 Pillars: Cut budget surgically, Restructure oil tax credit (HB111), restructure PF, New revenues

Permanent Fund:
Idea is to change the PF into an endowment type fund. Public Vote Stance:  No Comment other than to say it would be interesting in 2018 because of legislative elections.  He also said that SB26 will pass the house.

Revenue measures... income tax, fuel taxes, PF Earnings, Restructure the CBR

Senate v. House Cuts... He expects the Senate to produce more cuts than what the House has already come up with.

House minority is 'slow rolling' the process... by submitting inaccurate and abundant amendments.

The 30th AKleg is likely going to go into extended session... this was mentioned several times.

Income Tax... Senate is against, House Majority is interested in Income Tax.  Bryce says that Bristol Bay generally supports an income tax.  I asked why... because of outside workers.  I then offered up the Flat Worker Permit Fee idea and he seemed interested.

Maintain current level of services... especially in Rural/Bush Alaska.

Problem going forward,  cuts vs. revenue. We can't cut our way to a sustainable budget...

According to Speaker Edgmon...MatSu delegation thinks that SoA is subsidizing Bush AK.

"No question that the AK economy is in a slow-down.  We have to keep investing into Alaska to keep the economy going."

Resource Development... Supports the pursuit of a gasline.  Wants to maintain current 'protections' on coastal
waters. Is hopeful about a couple of new oil patch discoveries in the North Slope.