
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

So… I volunteered to help out at church, Partially Redacted Version.

During our weekly service, Pastor Rob leads us in a “Prayer For The Nations”.  Since he is traveling for a couple weeks on family affairs back East, I volunteered to help out during the intervening services.  The sermons are being handled by a couple of friends that are more than capable of fulfilling those roles, but I felt that with my skills and experiences, I could cover this portion of the service.  Easy Enough Right? He’s been doing this alphabetically and last Sunday We were on…

Prior to this show of force operation, the US had been closely involved with providing arms and intelligence to the Contras via several special operations units that rotated in and out of Southern Honduras.  As the reader should remember, this was also the time frame that GOP icon Ronald Reagan’s administration was involved with illegal gun running with Iran. The end means being to bring down Nicaragua’s populist Sandinista government that loosely aligned with Cuba and the USSR.

This supposed socialistic regime was the people’s answer to three-quarters of a century of heavy American involvement in this country.  The US became interested in the tiny Central American nation of Nicaragua in 1909 when making plans to build a canal to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean shipping lanes.  This interest evolved into an occupation of the capitol of Managua by American military forces from 1912 through 1933.  In 1927, the Americans politically engineered that an ally named Anastasio Somoza Garcia be named head of the new National Guard.  During the ensuing decade with American support, Somoza gained total control of the state apparatuses and eventually the Presidency in 1937.   The Somoza regime was propped up by America through 1979 when a populist revolution ran him into exile.

Almost immediately President Reagan authorized the CIA and other entities to begin cooperating with the anti-Sandinista militias that became popularly known as the ‘Contras’.  These militias ran terror operations to undermine the operations of the new populist government.  The US also set underwater mines in the harbor of Carinto to disrupt shipping into Nicaragua. The total life cost of the American involvement from 1979 through the early 90s is estimated to be near 30000 and is probably several times higher.

Sound’s familiar huh?  The US funding rebels to depose the head of a government because corporate interests will benefit from regime change.  Currently the US is engaged in this same thing in Syria.  Meanwhile Americans are feeling uneasy about a lot of things because to be quite frank, a lot of things are royally screwed up in Our nation.  We The People have been used for the last Century to promote terrorism and mass death that benefits a select few.  The absolute antithesis of what America was founded for…