
Monday, March 20, 2017

What Cuts...Can Alaskans Get Some #FactNotFiction?

Last year during the 29th Alaska State Legislature, the notion of using a portion of the Permanent Fund profits normally allocated to pay out the annual dividend was floated by several legislators and the Governor.  These circumstances came out of a decade of above-inflation deficit spending, lopsided agreements with oil companies and government growth.  Immediately into fray supporting grabbing more money from Alaskans was a coalition of corporate interests that all stand to benefit from the continued growth of Our government.  The other company he mentioned was Lynden.  Both of these companies stand to lose big bucks as state spending is reduced, so of course it benefits them for the budget to be funded as much as possible, thus there support for the coalition of businesses calling themselves, Alaska’s Future.

Almost immediately a resistance to this idea sprung up and multiple outlets were established to amplify the voices of Alaskans.  However, those voices were quite frankly ignored.  Petitions were presented and people spoke out in groves against the path being taken by Our representatives way down there in Juneau.  Readers should check out this link: from last April. 

Only 13% of the legislators even bothered to read an email containing signatures and comments from 100 Alaskans.  That petition eventually garnered 860+ signatures and was forwarded to the Alaska Legislature and Governor’s Office.  We have no way of knowing what happened to it once there other than the fact that Governor Walker did in fact veto about half of the funds to payout the PFD in 2016.  This action was contrary to his position as a populist candidate that wasn’t supposed to do business as usual in Juneau.  Petition Link:

Fast Forward to the 30th Alaska Legislature…
During a Town Hall event at the local LIO on March 18, 2017; Alaska House Speaker Bryce Edgmon mentioned that he had met with several large business interests that relayed to him that they had in fact seen a decrease in their Alaska operations.  One in particular that stood out was Alaska Airlines.  Edgmon went onto to say that the airline company attributed it mainly to the reduction of ‘state travel’.  During this same exchange he also mentioned the “work” being done by Alaska’s Future and The Rasmussen Foundation, both advocates of using PFD funds and new taxes to fund growing government.  And Growing Government is exactly what Alaskans are getting… that ‘hard work of making cuts’ as claimed by the Legislature is a sham.

In the graph below with was created using the figures as provided by the Alaska Governor’s Office of Management & Budget, one can clearly see that the State of Alaska’s budget isn’t being cut at all and is growing faster than inflation. All that’s happened is a shell game of shifting money around. 
