
Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Black Sea Boiling...

Black Sea Bafoonery...

The hornet’s nest of the Southern Europe and Middle East is seemingly ready to blow up even bigger than ever before and our government is actually fueling it. The Biden Administration has approved a massive arms financing package for the Ukraine, deployed air & naval forces into the Black Sea and even put advisers on the ground in the last several days. All this in a bid to pay back what he owes them for their help in cleaning up the mess his own son was involved in. 

But that’s not what ABC/BBC/CNN/FOX/MSNBC/WAPO/Whatever will be reporting. Instead they’ll be saying that the US led coalition is there to push back Russian occupation of it’s own land. The Russians are in Russia... not across the globe in someone else’s backyard. But...but... imagine that those US resources were actually here protecting our own back yard? Maybe deployed into Southern Mexico to help stop continental socioeconomic migration? Hmmm... 

But better yet is the fact that the US is also helping to fund some of Turkey’s most notorious SpecOps guys to deploy into Crimea. Their only mission is to wreak mayhem and havoc amongst civilian populations. Anyone wanna guess what the pint of that is? 

Right now both side have the hammer cocked in the Baltic region. Here’s a link to a few threads of very reliable BOTG sources and analysts. I’d rather go get my info from the people there... not sitting behind their zoom cams.

And the latest is that Putin has in fact reached out to Biden... so what’s Harris and Hillary going to tell ole’ Joe to do?