Since the inauguration of the current POTUS... it seems as if several throwbacks to when Obama was in that office have begun to rise again:
Islamist attacks on Christians in central Africa have ramped up with dozens of beheadings and untold number of kidnappings of school aged children. Some of those children will be trafficked by Jihadis to fund their evil just as children are being trafficked by drug cartels in Mexico and the US.
Islamist inspired attacks in the US and Europe have increased while the media uses them as tools to promote something that will not ever be a fix for the issue of evil in men’s hearts. Making a population defenseless before a vindictive government and within a criminal society always ends up as government oppressing the people even more.
And now under the guise of ‘Public Health & Safety’ the governments are taking aim at religious institutions that are legally practicing their beliefs...
Below is just a couple of links to some posts backing up the claims above... below the links are my own opinions about the situation:
The police in the supposedly free liberty living nation of Canada are now doing things like this to Christian churches:
Meanwhile mosques are ignored:
This will soon become common place in America and I believe that the government is going to ramp up all actions to silence resistance to the establishment of a more authoritarian system of governance. Heck, they’re about 2/3rds of the way there already. There is barely one thing that a person can do that is not in some manner influenced by the government and that actually includes attending and/or being a ‘church’ member.
Y’all remember the adage that I use quite a bit about Consent... right?
In America today the Islamist inspired crimes that have recently occurred were almost immediately swept under the proverbial rug... the mass shooting in Colorado and the the Car & Knife attack on the US Capitol are just the newest ‘lone sheep’ terrorist attacks against Americans that have pretty much gone unanswered. But the socialist simps cry even louder that American freedoms need to be restricted or even removed. Meanwhile they also scream and whine and cry that people should be forced to accept and cower before abominations and even pay for them through illegal taxes.
Action for Our God and Our People is Due Now... not tomorrow. We as the people of God are not told to be silent in the face of evil. Cowering before injustice and evil is akin to betrayal. We are responsible for keeping our families and fellow Christians safe from the evil of mankind... not to cower before Satan.