
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Too Much Patriotism‽

Too Much Patriotism‽

    Having grown up in a household that held high the ideals of a God guided America and subsequently serving Our nation in several roles; I am extremely bothered and even angered by the path that Our nation has embarked upon. We have become a nation of subservient simps that kowtow to the least confrontational and easiest choices.  Our nation has become a perpetual train wreck of false ideals that are intended to minimize God and personal responsibilities… how sad is that? 

    For decades I have written to support non-violent civil disobedience to the system that has been faltering for damn near a century. Placing my trust in the idealism that We the People will wake the heck up has done nothing other than feed into the degradation of America.  I was even one of the first that signed onto Stewart’s idea of establishing a solitary with my fellow Veterans and LEOs to create CPTs in order to help my neighbors prepare for the unfortunate and trying times ahead… but even that folly was a foible that ended up with quite a few compatriots being simps for the government.  Now I stand here wondering what is the path to take.  My human self cries for the defeat of evils such as elective abortions, race based teaching, greed focused society and immortality abounding… but as God says; ‘the time is not yet.’

    Recently this was the topic of discussion in my home and I was made aware of something… a lot of folks either aren’t paying attention or they just don’t care.  This is what I have for quite sometime called ‘American Apathy’.  A whole lot of Americans are seemingly unaware or willfully ignorant about what path We as a nation are on.  This frustrates me daily… almost hourly.  Our great republic has been led down a path to a pathetic end by the spineless perfect ones that have allowed secularism, immortality and greed to dictate their beliefs and actions.  

    Even in the remote small community that I live in; Neo-Liberals have polluted our government and society with false ideologies and tyrannical governance.  But of course the ones that promote and prop up these evils are the ones that are deemed as the ‘perfect’ ones and everyone else is discounted because they don’t ‘measure up’ to the prescribed perfections.  We are chastised in private and public venues even though We speak truths and realities.  I am constantly asking myself ‘What the heck happened to America‽’

    The path is obvious though… GOD has already laid out the future and said that man will fall so far away that a cleansing of creation must occur.  There are/will be trials and tribulations that befall the Earth in order to filter out the unfaithful and weak ones that choose to follow the easy path of Satan.  God, Christ and  Prophets told Us that Satan will seemingly enjoy a time of temporary conquest before the final judgement is rendered upon the Earth.  They have never been wrong before…




Some Tunes For This Post:

Saving Grace- The King Is Coming:

Testament- True American Hate

Johnny Cash - God’s Gonna Cut You Down:

Gutter Soulz with Sekond Chance - Leave Out The Past:

Rebel Inc. - A Time To Kill:


I left a lot of 4 Letter word embellishments out of this ranting because I have been told that I should avoid them because of my professed beliefs and associations with a few ‘religious’ organizations.