
Friday, September 3, 2021

Tired Of It!

Coviditis… aka COVID Derangement Syndrome (CDS)

It seems as if the entire world and the corporate media are suffering from CDS… that’s certainly the truth here in Dillingham and the rest of the 907.  Sure the spread of a man-made virus that exasperates pre-existing conditions and the subsequent experimental ‘vaccine’ is a public health issue.  But there are other things going on that should also be given as much if not more attention by We the People.  But let’s just look at Alaska centric topics today…

  1. A corrupted legislature has ignored the PFD Statute and chosen to take the resources of We the People to finance deficit spending by Our government.  They have for nearly two decades passed deficit budgets which are quite literally unconstitutional.  It’s just not the PFD being affected either as they continue to seek out funds for ever growing and choking government on the backs of We the People.  There’s even a career legislator that’s on record as saying this was all going to happen “with or without the public’s consent.”  That’s as unconstitutional as it gets because the Alaska Constitution clearly states:  “All political power is inherent in the people. All government originates with the people, is founded upon their will only, and is instituted solely for the good of the people as a whole.”  Article 1, Section 2 Source of Government. 

  1. The federal government is mandating that We the People can only have limited access to Our natural resources while also beginning to mandate reliance upon foreign resources that are becoming more difficult to gain adequate & affordable market access to.  China, Russia and Iran are rapidly locking up the rare earth deposits and carbon fuels outside of North America.  Undue Government restrictions upon resource access of any kind results in lower socioeconomic conditions that creates even more government dependence. 

  1. The State of Alaska uses public monies to fund elective non-essential medical procedures when Our government can’t actually afford to.  Government only grows at the expense of “the enjoyment of the rewards of their own industry”… especially when it spends money it doesn’t have.  Common sense says that you have to get rid of the non-essential things first when trying to save a sinking ship. 

  1. Indigenous people are the highest recipient segment in government sociology-economic subsidy programs because they are told how to survive and live by government and NGOs.  This is one of the saddest and most disgusting aspects of what a century of US Gov’t occupation has done to Alaska. Placing restrictions upon subsistence gathering and land access creating the dependence on the Gov’t was the death knell to life in Alaska that existed for thousands upon thousands of years of culture that were destroyed for resource exploitation.  By the way, these statements refer to all resources to include the Fisheries.  Just a glance and local resident participation rates show the true  issue of why Bush Alaska is so dependent upon government which is the absolute antithesis of what life is supposed to be all about no matter what ethnicity or religious or whatever creed you claim. 

So that’s my rant after my Scroll n’ Troll this morning. Have a great Friday! Time to make the dough and prep up for French Dip Friday at the Windmill Grille. 

Alaska’s Constitution