Tuesday, July 26, 2016

No 🇺🇸 Flags In Philly?

*EDITED... In the spirit of providing accurate information, I am reposting this with an image sent to me by someone attending the DNC Convention in Philadelphia ->
Credit: John Aronno of Alaska Commons
So, Philadelphia is the one city that is pretty much considered to be the Birthplace of America where the Founding Fathers gathered to draft and sign the Declaration of Independence.  However, as the Democrats gather this week to select and celebrate their Nominee for the 2016 Presidential Election, something is notably absent... the American Flag 🇺🇸.  

In scanning through video and images of the floor fracas one can see the Palestinian and even Soviet-era flags being brandished.  In considering this, I dropped messages to several media types that are in Philadelphia covering the convention and were also in Cleveland last week for the Republican Convention.  Keep in mind that these reporters/journalists come from both ends of the media spectrum.  Here's what I've figured out...

The 'flags' behind Donald Trump at the RNC were digital renditions.

Neither Party is being particularly patriotic as they are really just tools of their corporate sponsors.  The DNC and GOP are both run by elitists that hold themselves above Us and believe that they are entitled to tell We The People who We can 'choose' as Our elected representatives.  This merely goes to show what a disaster We The People have allowed to happen to Our government... the real issue being; 

What will We The People do about this?