Thursday, July 21, 2016



There comes a time when a person must choose what their conscience guides them to do.  In his comments last evening at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland; Texas Senator Ted Cruz encouraged his fellow Republicans to the same.  I have to totally agree with his sentiment…but maybe not his reasoning.

A lot of GOP Convention folks boo'd Ted Cruz last night when he didn't outright endorse Donald Trump For President in a speech that was screened and approved by Donald J. Trump...
Does the Republican National Committee and it's followers’ expect/demand uniform compliance/acceptance of their Corporacratic platform?  Will We also see this happen in Philadelphia when the Democratic Party convenes their own circus next week?
If people want to be upset or concerned about Cruz, look for something real... like Heidi Cruz and her policy positions and involvement with the Council on Foreign Relations that is encouraging an EU styled North American Union with a common currency, expanded gun control and open borders. BTW, these are pretty much in-line with positions held by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party.

Wake Up America… the Republican & Democratic Parties do not represent the best interests for Our benefit.  The political system that is so celebrated by the corporate media and financed by corporate interests IS NOT enshrined in Our Constitution.  It’s beyond time for Americans to stand up and take back what is Ours.  If We don’t rest Our nation soon… all is lost and the best advise that can be given is to #PrayForRapture.