Monday, July 10, 2017

Respecting Sovereignty

Last month, President Donald Trump approved American military assistance to be provided to the Philippines as they faced an attack by Abu Sayyaf.  This group of terrorists have aligned themselves with the IS movement of radical Islam.  However, the President of the Philippines, which is a sovereign nation, says that his country never asked for or approved the use of US Military assets. 

Now… here’s the crux of the issue. 

Did the United States violate the sovereignty of that nation in order to carry out it’s own foreign policy agenda? 

How can this supposedly America First administration justify something like this?

Why is the President still allowing this waste of American resources to continue? 

Back here at home there are literally millions of homeless, un-insured and destitute people that could surely benefit from those funds that belong to We The People… the taxpayers and citizens of these United States of America.  Instead of bombing and re-building all the damned time overseas… American should be looking out for itself.  Even that dreadful song by John Lennon makes sense, but the ‘powers-that-be” in DC seem to be deaf to all but the lobbyists and media mouths that continue to promote for profit US interventionism in everything.   

Abu Sayyaf Areas of Influence

PS… Just a little back-story and tidbit on the Abu Sayyaf:

The name means Father of the Sword and they have been around since the early 1990s.  They have a close connection to the 14K Triad which is a crime syndicate based in Hong Kong with affiliates in the US and Canada.  Their ‘religious’ leaning under Islam is towards Wahhabism.  Wahhabi is the primary sect of the House of Saud which in partnership with the founder established the Emirate of Diriyah… which is now called Saudi Arabia. Recently the group kidnapped some Vietnamese sailors and killed them.  Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte reacted to the discovery Wednesday of the bodies of two Vietnamese sailors who had been held hostage by saying he would eat alive the militants responsible.