now loser Hillary Clinton's running mate is using the word "treason"
to describe the interactions that Trump Jr. had with a foreign
national. The crux of the matter being that a foreign national was
involved with electioneering in the United States. But folks, this
really is not something new! This rant most certainly is not going
to be in favor or accepting of this either. For Senator Kaine to use
that word he would first need to understand what it means.
the US is not under a formal declaration of War, but the plethora of ‘defense’
and ‘intelligence’ agencies are participating in armed conflicts across the
globe. The flavor of the century thus far is the ‘War on Terrorism’ Senator Kaine should know this... so
essentially the enemy is any and all entities that promote
terrorism. Terrorism is the use or threats of force to achieve a
political result. So, by definition We are at War with
ourselves. Lest We not forget that the gentleman from Virginia's former
running mate was the key person that employed Islamists to destabilize Syria
using violence in an attempt to bring about political change in that sovereign
nation. However these very Islamist groups that have been supported
with aid and comfort with American resources have also sworn that they will
continue their jihad until the world as a whole is under the green scourge of
Islam. They even say it in the streets of America...
when throwing around the word "Treason", it would be also wise to
applying it to the folks that have committed this act. By the way,
that probably encompasses a great portion of the US Congress.