Pro Or Con‽
As the public participation portion of the perpetual permitting process ramps up again on the Pebble Project. Here We go again with all these consortiums of outside resource developers and exploiters vying for the opinions of the people that live out here and others with whatever interest in Bristol Bay that they may have. The real trick for Us is to see who is positive with positive results and weed out the negatives that are sure to arise.
Now, don't get me wrong on this. I oppose the development of these mineral resources for a couple of reasons. But I do know a few facts about this issue that make me understand that they are not going to stop trying to dig those pits. The only true resistance is strength.... we are in the 21st century and with the population growth and tech dependence that comes with it. Gone are the days that We are allowed to live simply and cheaply. Government regulation and revenue collection forces Us to 'keep up with the Jones'. This equates to the need for money... and their permission to let you earn money that they will tax.
So in having to comply with government regulation and taxing authority with almost every facet of life nowadays... living just off of subsistence is pretty much illegal. Heck We even have to ask for permission to do that now. Fact is, even subsistence living costs money and to get money We need economy. Quite frankly the fish aren't cutting it as the primary economic engine in Southwestern Alaska anymore. The actual primary economy is government...
In the purist anti- stance We The People of Bristol Bay have two choices before Us. Take back the fisheries and make it Our economy or accept things as they are now. In a practical stance it's imperative that We are fully aware of and involved in the processes that require Our attention as the world evolves and it's impact is felt even more and more in rural Alaska. If We don't strengthen Our regional economies, We'll just see another generation of state dependancy and all the ills that come with that.
So If Your An Outside Entity Stepping Into The Fray Of What Is Happening To Our Alaska Saying That You Are "For" Bristol Bay, Please Be For Something, Not Just Against. Understand the local issues and perspectives of regional businesses, not outside and foreign owned resource developers and exploiters. Local businesses all across Bristol Bay are struggling as Our governments want to take more and more from the local economy. So if You'd promote the idea of Bristol Bay truly taking back the fisheries, that'd be nice.