Monday, January 29, 2018

Too Far To Babel?


Mankind has pretty much been rushing headfirst into destroying itself for the past 200 years.  From rapid advancements in war machines, legal life termination and epidemic addictions to pretty much rejecting morality as acceptable in open society. We as God's people were warned off by God of trying to learn his ways of making things... of trying to reach him in accomplishment and understanding.   Now man has cloned primates and even human fetuses.  Clearly the bounds of ambition have been broken and it's only a matter of time before a hybrid primate and even a human is 'made' by humans.  

The question really is this... when is enough actually enough?  Mankind is destroying the planet to feed it's own consumerist mentality.  We as man have allowed and promoted the wholesale destruction of Ourselves.  None of Us are immune to this fact of modern life.  If we were, corporations like Amazon, WalMart and CostCo wouldn't exist.  The big banks that trade in made up digital ideas and schemes to finance war and addiction wouldn't be the owners of Our resources if We all didn't want so much.  

"For the first time, researchers have used the cloning method that produced Dolly the sheep to create two healthy monkeys, bringing science an important step closer to being able to do the same with humans."


But even better is this gem... Click For Yourself To See What You Think, Real or Not?

Sick science...

A billionaire-funded Christian organization is currently working to clone Jesus Christ after obtaining DNA from the Shroud of Turin and feel confident they will have a  Jesus clone .

“The Jesus Has Returned Project is a private organization devoted to bringing about the Second Coming of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, as prophesied in the Bible,” the The Jesus Has Returned Project spokesman said. “Our intention is to clone Jesus, utilizing techniques pioneered at the Genetic Research Group in Switzerland, by taking an incorrupt cell from the Shroud of Turin, extracting its DNA, and inserting into an unfertilized human egg (oocyte), though the now-proven biological process called symbiotic cellular transfer. The fertilized egg, now the zygote of Jesus Christ, will be implanted into the womb of a young virginal woman (who has volunteered of her own accord), who will then bring the baby Jesus to term in a second Virgin Birth.”