Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Silence IS Consent

Something that I hear often from people when it comes to ‘political’ topics is something along the lines of; ‘I don’t care because that doesn’t affect me’ or ‘It doesn’t matter because no one ever listens to us anyways.’.  This is something that I named #AmericanApathy quite some time ago when under the previous federal executive administration, the “Affordable Care Act” was passed and signed into law with all manner of hidden gems like RFID chipping… and when that same administration used a drone to kill several American citizens in a series of extrajudicial assassinations… and when the current administration continued that policy by killing the daughter of a previously assassinated American. American’s don’t care that their government can do this… and if they don’t care about these sorts of issues then you know a whole lot of them don’t care about other issues that are pale and benign in comparison to these. 

We as people cannot remain silent and uninvolved anymore. The most effective way to be involved is to look towards Our municipality and regional issues and figure out how We can make a positive contribution to governance that most directly affects Us.  One of the easiest ways to remain involved of course is to Vote and to maintain communications with the elected representatives of We the People.   




Did you know that using information about a person in an effort to influence their actions is called ‘coercion’ and that it is a Felony in the State of Alaska?  When a person takes that same action and also applies it to silence political dissent, then it becomes something fairly close to terrorism.  Terrorism is the act of using actions with the intent to change a political situation.  When those actions are taken by an elected official… what should it them be called?  I believe the term is tyranny. 





the practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats.




the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.




cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power or control.


These are unacceptable in American, Alaskan and Bristol Bay Politics.  Let’s keep it civil and focused on a positive outcome that benefits All people.