So earlier today I received a text from a very reliable source. That text contained a link to an article on streetloc that indicated that US Law Enforcement with the support of DoD personnel had seized some servers in Germany being run by a company based in Spain that provides electronic election software solutions to quite a few American governments. That companies name is Scytl. They claim that this did not happen at all… In the article there is a ‘source’ link to a twitter account that posted a video capture that was reposted to YouTube. That video ( featured Texas Representative Louis Gohmert mentioning both the software company and the ‘US Army’. But then he stammers and backs up just a tad and says something like this:
It had been discussed (the previous day) that Scytl could have information that would help show fraud in the results. But before they could act on that hunch… “someone ordered” the seizure of the server(s) in Germany… then he goes into a statement about there being a faction within the US Government that are acting to depose the sitting President.
Whoaaa there Sir… Are you saying that there is active treason happening to the level that someone other than the Executive Branch is directing the operations of US Troops… on foreign soil? Or did this event even happen?
But let’s go back into the whole notion that there was no election fraud surrounding the 2020 General Election. That’s per ponderous and hilarious to say the least. Were the proven incidents of fraud in elections significant to the point of being able to influence a national…and global election? That’s a question that if ever answered correctly with enough fact to back up the answer will not come for many years… or even decades. Heck the still have the Kennedy Files classified and ole’ Trump said that he was going to handle that so Americans could put to rest all their tinfoil hat theories surrounding the La Cosa Nostro, the CIA, the Cubans and the Canadians.
But wait folks… there’s more. In the video, Representative Gohmert says something else that’s interesting. Scytl is going through bankruptcy proceedings and as is often the case in those types of legal situations, their records may have been ordered to be seized because of less than above-board financial practices. Doing a little more digging than skipping across a few mainstream articles once will find where this company may very well have been ‘raided’ indeed. But was that ‘raid’ actually used to cover up the involvement of Scytl with several high-ranking DC politicians?
So, the question remains… well actually several questions. Why are the election processes in America being overseen by foreign companies that are hosting the platform and data in foreign countries to include the Ukraine where Biden and crew have deep ties?
Feel free to click through a few links provided below to see where this all leads… Pelosi and Feinstein.
Scytl Bankruptcy:
Scytl Associations Breakdown and yes George Soros and Open Society pops up a couple of times:
“Brill said when it comes to the U.S. elections, “Scytl products sold to US customers are fully housed in the US, utilizing Amazon Web Services”
But of course, the mainstream media will not report anything like this… especially when they use software from a company that is heavily financed by Blum Capital. You all remember whom Blum Capital is right? That would be Richard Blum who happens to be married to Senator Dianne Feinstein. Oh and that company proudly advertises who they work with and for:
Scytl US Clients:
Scytl Election Night Reporting, Scytl Poll Worker Management, Scytl Online Election Worker Training, Scytl Online Voter Education, Scytl Electronic Pollbook and Scytl Electronic Ballot Delivery.
Scytl has successfully delivered election modernization projects in the US since 2008, and most recently for the 2018 Midterm Elections, when over 70M voters from more than 900 U.S. counties successfully leveraged Scytl’s technology. Also, during 2016 US Presidential Election Scytl’s technology provided over 53 million registered voters and thousands of election staff across 28 states the benefits of more efficient, scalable and accessible election processes, consolidating Scytl as the leading election modernization provider in the United States.
State of Alaska, Arkansa, Colorado, Iowa, Georgia, New York South Carolina, Connecticut, West Virginia, Mississippi, Kentucky,
Election Night Reporting, Online Training
For the 2014 State Elections, the South Carolina Election Commission looked to optimize their Training Management Database, a solution that was developed in-house in the late 1990’s. Scytl Poll Worker Management provided an alternative and greatly improved solution to efficiently track training by jurisdiction and position, track multi-level courses, online registration, online payments, dynamic reporting, proactive alerting for students, certificate creation, and import 20 years of poll worker (student) information. In 2018, more than 2,000 poll workers were trained using Scytl’s Online Training platform.
Since 2008, Scytl´s Election Night Reporting is used to present results data graphically through the utilization of maps, bar charts, totals and downloadable reports. The solution empowers every web visitor with access to user friendly presentation of voting data to include contest details, status of counties / precincts reporting, voter turnout, vote type summaries and more.
Department of Defense
Electronic Ballot Delivery
Scytl was selected by the Federal Voting Assistance Program of the U.S. Department of Defense to provide a secure online ballot delivery and onscreen marking systems under a program to support overseas military and civilian voters for the 2010 election cycle and beyond. Scytl was awarded 9 of the 20 States that agreed to participate in the program (New York, Washington, Missouri, Nebraska, Kansas, New Mexico, South Carolina, Mississippi and Indiana), making it the provider with the highest number of participating States.
Still the question remains… why are foreign companies with financial ties to radical liberal personalities like George Soros and Dianne Feinstein running the elections in America?