Thursday, November 12, 2020

I Can't Say

 I was asked by a member of the press my opinion of today’s message from the Governor of Alaska. I replied:

“There’s nothing new about it other than the language used to urge citizens to be vigilant… how this is interpreted at the local level will be interesting.”

The next question:

“My question is how do you think the CoD will exploit his message?”

My reply:

“I can’t say.”


Here’s what Governor Dunleavy said with a link to the video:


“My job as governor is not to tell you how to live your life. My job is to ensure the security and safety of Alaska. I can’t do that without your help,” said Governor Dunleavy in his video address“I’m asking you to reach deep for the next three weeks. If we can buy time for our critical workers – if we can keep our systems operational – we can avoid being forced to take further action. But if we cannot reduce the spread of this virus, we reduce our future options for how to proceed. No matter what you believe about the virus, the facts are the facts. Hospitalizations and sick healthcare workers are reaching untenable levels. We must act together now while we still have choices.”


Video Link:


 Summation: Things are not going to get any better any time soon…


Is it coincidence that the meeting is on 11/21… Agenda 21?


Yes folks it really does exist: