Thursday, October 28, 2021

After & Beyond

Fbook changed their ‘name’ to μετα… META which means ‘After or Beyond’.  After or Beyond what‽

I posted about this and then followed up with the following comment and expect that I’ll be gone very soon:

“Fbook is having some issues as of late… maybe it’s some of that what goes around comes around karma sow what you reap. The idea to make a social network for the people was good in theory… but hypermonetizing of something that really doesn’t exist was bound to backfire eventually. But getting into bed with governments to influence public opinion was definitely a step too far.”

Here’s a couple more links about Fbook’s woes:

Facebook has told employees to “preserve internal documents and communications since 2016” that pertain to its businesses because governments and legislative bodies have started inquiries into its operations, according to a company email sent on Tuesday night.

The Facebook Files: These are the documents that were provided to Congress by the ‘whistleblower’.  

The Facebook Files - WSJ

NYT Article on the fallout from Fbook’s growing woes…

Not to mention that their consumer base growth is slowing and eventually going to decrease.  Fbook is lagging in attracting young users… and that affects the bottom line. Will Facebook stock Wilt If Fountain Of Youth Evaporates? | Investor's Business Daily

All this does add up to why Fbook is evolving… Omega—-Ω